Start Where You Are: 8 ways to start homesteading no matter your situation

I originally started my homesteading journey when I was married and a stay-at-home mom. This gave me a lot of time to spend on growing, canning, cooking and baking, and all the other radical homemaking and urban farming tasks. When I started going through my divorce, I wasn’t able to keep up with all of the things that I had been doing. I was wiped out physically, mentally, and emotionally. So, I stopped. I was barely able to keep the yard looking presentable, much less add anything to it.

When my ex moved out, I got rid of pretty much everything that he left (I actually sold it all). I also got rid of a lot of things that were part of me, that I felt were tied up in my old identity as a wife and mother. Things like my herbal medicine making, many of my cooking and canning supplies, even my desire to cook from scratch.

After a few years of not knowing what my housing situation would be, not knowing how I would survive financially, and a whole lot of healing, I finally started coming back to my urban homesteading roots. However, my life looks a lot different now. I’m doing it all on my own now. I have limited time, money, and energy. I have to fit all my homesteading activities in between schooling (because I went back to college), a job, and all of the kids’ extra-curricular activities.

Evolution of my urban homestead over the 13 years I've lived here
Left: the back yard when we first bought this house. Right: Today

I have taken it step by step – a little bit (and sometimes more than I should) at a time. It’s been a challenge, but when we’re passionate about something, we find a way to make it work. Now, I know I’m not starting entirely from scratch, but a lot of my work from the years before the divorce was undone by time and briars, and a lot of my supplies need to be replaced. I’ve also learned a fair amount over time, that makes some of my endeavors a little easier. I hope that I can pass along much of that information to help you out too.

Start Where You Are

This ebook gives you 8 ideas on how to get started no matter what your situation is. Are you in an apartment? Are you on a quarter acre lot? Either way, this ebook will talk about ways you can get started! Check it out by filling out the form below:

Let me know what you’re going to start with in the comments below!

This article was published on Moon And Hare

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