Chalk Painting with Kids

It’s summer time! It’s a perfect time of year to pull out the big messy art projects that look like a lot of fun, but require a lot of cleaning up or a lot of space.

Take the projects outside! Use a hose for clean up, use the yard for space. And let the kids create! This week I’m doing a series on all the BIG MESSY art projects that you can let the kids go wild at and not have to worry about the mess. Seriously, I highly recommend the hose for clean up. It’s pretty therapeutic.

Sidewalk paint is a good starter project. It’s great because you can do it right in your driveway. OR, take the project to the park like we did and let the rains clean it up.

Here’s what you need:

– Water
Food Coloring
Some sort of paint brushes – I bought foam brushes- they’re like 25c each wherever you can buy house paint. I got the one inch size.
– Bowls or cups to put the paint in.
– A fork to mix with

Now make the paint:

The official recipe is about 1 part cornstarch to 1 part water, but I just winged it and mixed until the consistency seems right. I added a bunch of food coloring drops until the color was nice.

Then paint!

It’s a lot of fun. The paint is a lot like sidewalk chalk when it dries, but it’s more vibrant and thicker.

Some really fun designs get made!

At some point it turned into body painting. I guess the paint feels really good because a couple of these kids really got into the body painting. Don’t worry! It’s easy to hose them off!

Obviously the texture feels really good because there was a lot of stepping on the dried paint.

The best part? It completely washed away in the rains that came the next day! Make some art in your driveway and let it sit until the next rain or wash it away with the hose! (Actually washing it away with the hose might be just as much fun as the painting!)

Posted in Creative Living, Tutorials and Articles.