I am extremely frugal. Sometimes to a fault, I’ll admit that. I grew up on a farm where everything was used and reused until it was literally not able to be anymore. But then, someone might fix it up and give it even more life. I actually grew up next to a landfill and my […]
Category Archives: Seasonal Living
Canning 101, Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions
And thusly, we reach the end of my treatise on canning. I hope that these videos have been helpful and inspire you to get started with some canning for your family. This final video answers many of your questions about the procedures and processes involved in canning, and how important they are. If you have […]
Canning 101: Part 3 Pressure Canning
Pressure canning is the more intimidating of the canning processes, but it doesn’t have to be. There are lots of safety features built into your canner to make sure that everyone stays safe. I go over those features, along with lots of other tips and techniques to get started pressure canning! Give it a watch! […]
Canning 101 Part 2: Waterbath Canning
Let’s continue on our canning journey with all the information on waterbath canning. This will let you know all the basics. Waterbath canning is a great easy way to get started in canning- watch below to learn more! Click here for the first post all about the History and Science of Canning! There are also […]
Canning 101 Part 1: The Science, Safety, and History Behind Canning
Are you ready to start your canning adventure? Waterbath and pressure canning are fun and useful ways to preserve the harvest from your garden, or great deals that you may get on bulk produce. This is such a great way to stock your pantry and also to know what you’re feeding your family all through […]
How Seasonal Eating Can Simplify Your Life and Boost Your Homesteading Skills
It’s so easy these days to stroll through the grocery store and pick up whatever you feel like eating- regardless of what the season is. Do you want to eat strawberries in the middle of winter? Do you want to eat winter squash in the summer? These are readily available – though their flavor and […]
Cut Stress & Save Time with this Seasonal Meal Planning Formula
Meal planning is an absolute game-changer for anyone, but especially for busy modern homesteaders juggling family life, garden chores, and endless to-do lists. Meal planning is simply taking a bit of time to plan out what meals you’re going to cook for the week. It’s about reducing the daily stress of deciding what’s for dinner […]
The 8 Principles of Modern Homesteading
I think if you’re here, you probably have some sense that the system is messed up. .
The Importance of Knowing Your Plants
A bunch of years ago, when I first moved into this house, I was really interested in herbal healing, but I didn’t have any idea about what herbs look like. I just accepted what was given to me. Now that I’ve been studying to be an herbalist for a while, I’m learning just how bad […]
Start Where You Are: 8 ways to start homesteading no matter your situation
I originally started my homesteading journey when I was married and a stay-at-home mom. This gave me a lot of time to spend on growing, canning, cooking and baking, and all the other radical homemaking and urban farming tasks. When I started going through my divorce, I wasn’t able to keep up with all of […]