I am extremely frugal. Sometimes to a fault, I’ll admit that. I grew up on a farm where everything was used and reused until it was literally not able to be anymore. But then, someone might fix it up and give it even more life. I actually grew up next to a landfill and my […]
Author Archive: Chrissy
25 random acts of kindness that don’t cost money
Today, a person ahead of me in line paid for my purchase. The cashier was so cute, they handed me my goodies with a mischievous smile and just said “have a nice day!” I said, “am I going to be paying for this?” And they told me the person ahead of me already did. I […]
Canning 101, Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions
And thusly, we reach the end of my treatise on canning. I hope that these videos have been helpful and inspire you to get started with some canning for your family. This final video answers many of your questions about the procedures and processes involved in canning, and how important they are. If you have […]
Gluten-Free Sausage and Potato Mini Galettes
I really love anything wrapped up in pie dough or in puff pastry. And when Sweet Loren’s puff pastry hit my local grocery store, I was right there buying it up en masse. Ok, not really, but I did buy a couple packages. I’ve seen all those upside down puff pastry tarts that are popular […]
Canning 101: Part 3 Pressure Canning
Pressure canning is the more intimidating of the canning processes, but it doesn’t have to be. There are lots of safety features built into your canner to make sure that everyone stays safe. I go over those features, along with lots of other tips and techniques to get started pressure canning! Give it a watch! […]
The best and easiest Mac and Cheese with whole foods ingredients!
It’s like the holy grail – the warmth and deliciousness of comfort food, made with healthier, whole foods. This mac and cheese fits the bill. And it’s so easy and quick. My kids definitely prefer it over the boxed stuff or any other they’ve had. And it’s easy enough, they’ve been making it themselves for […]
Canning 101 Part 2: Waterbath Canning
Let’s continue on our canning journey with all the information on waterbath canning. This will let you know all the basics. Waterbath canning is a great easy way to get started in canning- watch below to learn more! Click here for the first post all about the History and Science of Canning! There are also […]
Bruschetta Recipe
I find that even though most of my big tomatoes have stopped producing as it gets colder, the cherry tomatoes keep going until a hard frost. This is good news for me, as I want to eke every bit of summer flavor out of the garden. This bruschetta recipe is a great way to use […]
Canning 101 Part 1: The Science, Safety, and History Behind Canning
Are you ready to start your canning adventure? Waterbath and pressure canning are fun and useful ways to preserve the harvest from your garden, or great deals that you may get on bulk produce. This is such a great way to stock your pantry and also to know what you’re feeding your family all through […]
Fresh Marinara Sauce Recipe
It’s not too late to get fresh tomatoes for dinner! They’re getting close to the end, but there’s still some out there. I found this gluten-free fresh ravioli pasta at Trader Joes, and I was dying to try it. The pasta, along with homemade meatballs made a perfect base for this very simple and easy […]